Field Description of the grid in case Invoice is for 'Scrap Sales' -

Internal Item Code:

Denotes the Scrap Item to be included in the Invoice.


Press <F5> key to access a list of all the Scrap Items defined through Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option of Engineering Module. Select your desired Scrap Item from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Item Code.


Please note that only those Items that have 'Nature of Item' defined as 'Raw Material - Scrap' will be accepted/displayed.


Internal Item Name:

Displays the Name of the selected Internal Item Code for your reference.


Warehouse Code:

Denotes the Warehouse from where the Item will be dispatched.


Press <ENTER> on the field. Press <F5> key to access the Warehouses associated with the selected Sales Item through Warehouse Inventory option of Stores And Inventory Module. Select your desired Warehouse from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Warehouse Code.


Ord Rate (Discounted):

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)

Denotes the discounted rate of the selected Scrap Item.


Enter the discounted rate of the Scrap Item. Press <ENTER>.


Max Inv Qty:

Displays the maximum Quantity of Invoice that can be entered for the Item for your reference. In case the Invoice is being created for the Item for the first time, that Item's On-Hand Quantity available in the selected Warehouse is displayed automatically. For subsequent Invoices, the 'Max Inv Qty' is automatically calculated and displayed as (On Hand Qty) - (sum of Invoice Quantity raised till now)


Max Inv. Value:

Automatically calculates and displays the Maximum Invoice Value of the Item as Ord Rate X Max Invoice Qty. You can not change it.

Invoice Qty:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)

Denotes the Quantity of Invoice for the Sales Item.


Press <ENTER> on the field. Following grid will be displayed -

Onhand Qty:

Automatically displays the available onhand quantity ('Max Inv Qty') of the selected Scrap Item in this field for your reference. You can not change it.



Press <ENTER> on the field. Now enter the Invoice Quantity of the Scrap Item. Press <ENTER> again. The entered quantity can NOT be more than 'Max. Inv Qty'.

Invoice Value:

Automatically calculates and displays the Invoice Value of the Scrap Item as 'Ord Rate' X 'Invoice Qty'.


Actual Value:

Automatically calculates and displays the Actual Value of the Item as 'Ord Rate' X 'Invoice Qty'.


Assessable Value with Tax:

Automatically calculates and displays the Assessable Value with Tax by adding Tax Amounts of the selected Rate Structure to the 'Actual Value' of the Item.



(Type : Numeric, Length : 9)

Denotes the Number of Packets of Scrap Item.


Press <ENTER> on the field. Now enter the number of Packets of the Scrap Item. Press <ENTER> again.


Packet Description:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 255)

Denotes the Description for the Packets of Scrap Item.


Press <ENTER> on the field. Now enter the description for the number of Packets of the Scrap Item. Press <ENTER> again.



Press <ENTER> on the field. Enter Remarks, if any, related to the Scrap Item. Press <ENTER> again.
